What led you to your current profession?

It’s been a series of choices that involved following my intuition to live my life in ways that society doesn’t generally encourage us to do. At 29, I left my family and friends to work on a Caribbean island only to then quit my job and take 18 months off for a personal sabbatical traveling the world by myself. Through these experiences, I was forced to face many fears alone, get very honest and vulnerable about my insecurities, and face the truth that the only thing holding me back from living my dreams was my perceived limitations.


What’s your superpower?

I help people feel comfortable enough to get vulnerable, open up, and explore their shadow self so that they can heal the old wounds that many of us pretend don’t exist. It’s always an honor when someone allows me to be part of their journey.

What’s your favorite thing about what you do?

Witnessing the ‘shift’ happen in real-time. There’s always a moment when a client’s energy shifts, the illumination shines through their eyes, and a deep understanding of a wound or trauma brings instant healing. It’s a remarkable moment in someone’s journey to witness. It reminds me of how instantaneously our own healing and personal empowerment can be activated.

What is one piece of advice you’d give your pre-career 20 something self?

Do the things that you’re avoiding because you don’t think you’re good enough. Oftentimes, our biggest fears are lighthouses to our greatest potential.

If you have a bucket list, what’s your favorite thing you’ve checked off?

Taking 18 months off work to travel alone. The foundations of all of my work come from the wisdom I received from a journey no one could have ever taught me.

When in your life have you felt most confident and why?

Today. Because I had the courage to do what I did yesterday.

Do you have any exciting ambitions for the future?

I am getting ready to launch my first online healing course for the Inner Child this fall, but next year I hope to hold an in-person retreat for those who are ready to heal, transform, and upgrade into a higher potential of who they are today.

Do you have a favorite quote?

“Confidence today was courage yesterday” –Nicole Frolick

Nicole Frolick is an international Intuitive Life Coach who guides clients through a healing journey that awakens dormant ‘soul gifts’ and activates their dream potentials into the now. She can be reached at nicolefrolick.com.