What led you to your current profession?

Through my own life’s journey, I’ve realized that we can help others. And I have found that helping others is a driving force in my life. It’s something I’m passionate about. It’s something that gives me worth. And so my life experiences have culminated all my loves in life. My doula business is focused on giving emotional, physical, and information support through labor. My cannabis consultancy is focused on teaching people to properly medicate with cannabis. Through my own mental health struggles and the mental health struggles of my children, I sought alternatives to traditional medication. And the podcasts allowed me the ability to encourage and inform people by letting other people’s stories shine.

What’s your superpower?

My commitment to self-growth.

What’s your favorite thing about what you do?

Helping others become empowered.

How have your perceptions of life changed as you got older?

I’ve realized that life is not constant and that my mindset should be open to evolving. It’s okay to change our minds and our stance on things that maybe we once held to more firmly. That life takes consistent work and growth. I’d rather age gracefully, with self-love, wisdom, empathy, and kindness as a result.

In the past, what have been your biggest obstacles in business? What helped you overcome those obstacles?
Fear of imperfection. What I would say is don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Realizing that the only person who expects you to be perfect is yourself. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just get started and make positive, forward movement one small step at a time.

What is one piece of advice you’d give your pre-career 20 something self?

Be your true authentic self and the right people will find you. If it doesn’t sit right with you, stop doing it. Also, you’re going to need a lot of perseverance.

If you have a bucket list, what’s your favorite thing you’ve checked off?

Riding a horse on the beach.

How would you like people to describe you or see you?

Authentic, compassionate, supportive, open-minded.

When in your life have you felt most confident and why?

Now. Because I’m discovering who I am as an individual, separate from all the other roles in my life. And I’m putting my focus into things that I love which, in turn, are helping others.

Do you have any exciting ambitions for the future?

Through educating and supporting others, my goal is to live a life of choice, not having life choose for me.

Are there any myths you’d like to bust about your profession?

In the area of cannabis, I would love to end the myth of reefer madness and help people understand that cannabis can be an amazing tool. In the area of doula work, I want everyone to understand that you can have a positive birth experience and a smooth transition into parenting—birth doesn’t have to be traumatizing.

What advice do you have for those starting a new business?

Give yourself grace and don’t try to do everything alone.

Do you have a favorite quote?

“In the broken places, the light shines through.” -Leonard Cohen

Kristin Reiswig is an entrepreneur and CEO of a few businesses. Hello Curious provides cannabis therapy consultancy and Momentous provides birth and postpartum doula care serving both traditional and cannabis clientele. She’s also the host of two podcasts: Frank & Chipper and Loud Talk.