What led you to your current profession?

I grew up in the real estate industry, so this has been something I have known my whole life. My husband and I also used to work on fix and flips and rental properties and this has always been something I’ve enjoyed. About five years ago I decided to get back into real estate for myself and I am off and running!

What’s your superpower?

I am really good at tuning into how people are feeling and reading a situation. I have a bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Science with a minor in Psychology and Sociology. I think this helps with my ability to get to know people well. People feel comfortable with me and tend to trust me quickly, but I believe a good set of listening ears are always helpful too.

What’s your favorite thing about what you do?

I really enjoy meeting people and helping them to achieve their real estate goals. The process can be a bit tedious, especially in the current market, but I enjoy the process and helping people through it. Even the tough stuff doesn’t feel like work to me!

What is your number one client goal in real estate?

I want to be a valuable resource for my clients. One of the many ways I do that is by taking far more continuing education classes than required. The more I learn, the more I know, the more I can help you. ⁠ I am sure you can’t miss all those letters after my name. Those are additional designations and certifications that I have earned so that I can be exactly that, your best resource. When you hire someone you want to know that you are in good hands. You can hire me with confidence knowing that I am dedicated to being highly educated in my field. My education along with my vast network and experience affords me a unique perspective and skill set that my clients find incredibly valuable.⁠

  • GRI – According to the National Association of REALTORS® The Graduate REALTOR® Institute or GRI Designation is “the mark of a real estate professional who has made the commitment to provide a high level of professional services by securing a strong educational foundation”. Graduate REALTOR® Institute (GRI) is arguably the best real estate designation that you can earn.⁠
  • AHWD – At Home With Diversity® is an educational experience designed to present a picture of the changing face of the real estate industry. More importantly, the class teaches how real estate professionals can increase their sensitivity and adaptability to future market trends.⁠ The course addresses issues of diversity, fair housing, and cultural differences.
  • SRES – Trained in no-pressure approaches to senior real estate needs, including suggesting housing alternatives to buying a new home or ways that a senior may be able to age in place instead of downsizing or making other moves.⁠
  • SFR – The Short Sales and Foreclosure Resource (SFR®) certification⁠

How would you like people to describe you or see you?

I am honest and direct and with those qualities also comes a great big heart for helping others. I will be your advocate, cheerleader, and support system. I love to see others win, succeed and help them get there!

Do you have any exciting ambitions for the future?

My greatest personal goal (related to real estate) is to be able to build a rental portfolio that allows me to leave at least one property to each of my children.

What have you learned about leadership that doesn’t get taught in schools?

In my past careers the most successful teams I have built are ones that are built on relationships. It is so important to know your team and what is important to them. What are their goals? What do they want most in life and in their career? When your leadership aligns with their goals you tend to be more successful. People want to feel that they are valued and that their voice is heard. Those relationships build solid teams that work well together.

And finally, do you have a favorite quote that resonates with you?

“Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” –Maya Angelou

Amanda Duffendack is a licensed real estate agent serving metro Denver, Colorado. She resides in Parker and is a mother of three. She can be reached by visiting her Parker CO community and real estate resource page.