What does success mean to you?

Success means that I’ve recognized my goals, including obstacles and my own discomfort, and I put plan to action. It means I’ve faced my fears and obstacles and I consistently move forward towards that goal. I’ve no longer allowed myself to play small, I’ve made a decision to be proactive and go for it. Ultimately, I discover just how resilient I am, even when I didn’t recognize it before.

Name the biggest overall lesson you’ve learned in being self-employed.

My biggest lesson I learned is that I have to work harder for my business yet still hang on to employee actions. When you work for someone, you show up, regardless. You clock in and out, whether you want to or not. You are there consistently. The same is for running your own business. You have to work harder for yourself, but still have the employee mindset of choosing to show up consistently.

What does the world need more of? Less of?

The world needs more trailblazers who defy society’s assumptions of what you can and can’t do to be successful. The world needs fewer shock value attempts to get your attention.

Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently when you were first starting out?

I would have stopped thinking small and trying to do what everyone else was doing. I would also spend time connecting with my inner self to find out what really speaks to my soul and what is my true calling.

What resources would you recommend to someone starting a business (or career) in a similar field as you?

Invest in mentors or coaches. People don’t realize that to do so, you are investing in yourself, meaning your are investing time, energy and money. Many people don’t bat an eye thinking about how much money they pay for college expenses (tuition, books, housing, etc) to go to college. Why is it that some people are appalled at the idea of not investing in themselves? The wealthiest and most successful people in life do it all the time. I’ve learned so much from the coaches and mentors I chose to invest in since 2020 that I would not have been able to figure it out myself. And as nervous as I was to do so (and to let go of my money), I have achieved my interpretation of success because I stopped breaking promises to myself and followed through. The money has come back to me ten-fold. If only more people understood this concept, more people would achieve the success they dream of having in order to call their own shots.

What rituals could you not live without in your workday?

I cannot live without physically putting myself on the schedule and working out. Not only does it destress me, it allows me to keep moving, something that is so vital as we age. Sitting is the new smoking and we have more power to influence how we age than we realize.

Adriana Morrison, NASM-CPT, CES, FNS, WLS is a health and fitness expert and coach for women over 40 and is the host of the TV series, The Health Revolution on E360TV. She can be reached at www.synergizedfitness.com.

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